Photo Gallery
Ambassador Mr. Ahmed Al-Dehaimi & family visit to Tarango 13 April 2018- -
Merry Christmas -
World Fair Trade Day -
World Fair Trade Day -
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is Overseeing Jute Made Boat. -
TARANGO has awarded a Bronze Medal as the Bangabandu National Agriculture Award-1422 for environment friendly technology -
Farewell Event for TARANGO Well-wishers her Excellency Marcia S.B. Bernicat, US Ambassador on 15 September, 2018 -
Japanese delegates team visited TARANGO Office on 19-20 July 2018 -
Japanese delegates visited Safe Home and Day-Care Center -
Best Women Entrepreneur -
Kirtimoti Shammanona Award 2018 -
My Business Plan -
Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) National Conference & Business Fair in Baltimore, Maryland during 23-27 June 2019. -
Kohinoor Yeasmin, CEO, TARANGO is participating in the ‘Leaders Program’ of Productivity and Innovation Management Program in Nanyang Polytechnic International, Singapore from 03-09 Nov'19 -
30 years of TARANGO -
Tarango participated 7 days 'Development Fair 2019' organized by the Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), at Bangabandhu International Conference Center. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has inaugurated “Development Fair 2 -
"Elimination of Violence against Women day’ on 2nd Dec’19 with H.E Charlotta Schlyter, Ambassador of Sweden,BD,H.E Winnie Estrup Petersen,H.E Royal Danish Embassy & Sidsel Bleken , Ambassador,The Royal Norwegian Embass -
TARANGO celebrating Happy New Year 2020 on 1st January 2020. -
Fire Extinguisher training was held on 15 January 2020 -
Md. Shahadat Hossain, Director (Reg. & Audit), NGO Affairs Bureau visited Tarango on 18 January, 2020 -
Ms. Tara & Mr. Edwan, SheTrades representatives visited Tarango on 22 January 2020 -
Bridge of Light, Germany team visited VSLA group at Jagetber, Rajpur , Lalmonirhat on 9th February 2020 -
Bridge of Light, Germany team with indigenous group members at Marma para, Amtoli, Sulok, Bandarban on 16th February 2020 -
Austria team members visited TARANGO head office on 20 February 2020 -
Mr. Tom Miscioscia, Country Director, British Council & Ms. Shahnaz Karim, Director visited TARANGO on 3rd March 2020. -
Ms. Kohinoor Yeasmin, CEO, TARANGO has once again won the best women entrepreneurship award for the year 2019 for exporting aesthetic eco-friendly jute products all over the world -
Mr. Lokman Hossain Miah, Ministry of Textiles and Jute Secretary visited TARANGO office on 14 March 2020 -
DFID high officials visited TARANGO on 16 March' 2020 -
Mr. Fazlul Haque, member of Bangladesh Public Service Commission, People’s Republic of Bangladesh and Ex- Joint Secretary of Ministry of Textile and Jute visited TARANGO on 25 August' 2020 -
A three members team from UN Women, Dhaka Ms. Giulia Pelosi, Ms. Tapati Saha, & Ms. Zefroon Afsary visited TARANGO head office on 14 September 2020 -
Ms. Shiho Tanaka, Research Fellow from Japan visited TARANGO on 16 September 2020 -
Tarango distributed Water Tanks, Pipe, Tin, Spray Machine among 21 Fruit Farmers at Laimipara, Sadar Union for Rain Water Harvest under "Poverty Reduction through Organic Farming at Bandarban" -
Training on Seed Production Technology and Storage along with Input Distribution held on 9 November 2020 under "Poverty reduction through organic farming at Bandarban, Bangladesh" -
Training on Organic Crop Management held on 19 November 2020 under "Poverty reduction through organic farming at Bandarban" Project Bangladesh -
TARANGO organized Organic Crop Management Training 21-25 November 2020 under "Poverty reduction through organic farming at Bandarban" Project Bangladesh -
Distributed 16 Heifer (Bakna Calf) among the beneficiaries on 19 November 2020 under "Poverty reduction through organic farming at Bandarban,Project Bangladesh" -
On 29th Nov' 20, TARANGO celebrated 16 days Activism of “International Women Human Rights Defenders Day†Shelter Home women & girls performed a colorful performance -
TARANGO Family Celebrated Happy New Year 2021 -
A team from the Embassy of Japan visited Tarango on 09 January 2021 to see its eco-friendly aesthetic diversified jute products and an on-going skill development training -
Stress Management Workshop held on 25 January 2021 -
"Learning Sharing" with Community people held on 25 February '21 under “Women and Girls at the Center of COVID-19 Prevention and response through livelihood options and GBV Services†project -
TARANGO organized an Exposure visit to Panam City & Sonargoan Craft Museum in Narayangonj on 6th March '21 -
Awareness Development Training on 16th March 2021 -
Ms. kohinoor Yeasmin, CEO Tarango delivering her speech an Inception workshop of the project Promoting Environment Friendly & Specialized Loom Products held on 19th Sept' 2021 at Tangail -
Chief Guest Mr. Al-Haj Jahan Ansari, Chairman, Sadar Upazila, Tangail delivering his speech an Inception workshop of the project Promoting Environment Friendly & Specialized Loom Products held on 19th Sept' 2021 -
Environment Management Training was held September 27, 2021 at Tarango Training Center, Karotia, Tangail -
Milking Cow Rearing Training was held at Kaliakair, Upazila, Gazipur on 22 November 2021 -
TARANGO celebrated 16 days Activism of “Orange the World: Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect!†of “International Women Human Rights Defenders Day†on 1st and 2nd December 2021 -
23 Milking Cow distributed towards the beneficiaries at Kaliakoir Upazilia, Gazipur on 21 December 2021